Show jumping: Jumping levels

Show jumping: Jumping levels

Levels of jumping in different countries

In most countries they have there own horse system. I’ll discuss the four big horse nations in the world that have there own jumping levels. The Netherlands, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States.

The Netherlands

Jumping rules KNHS  Jumping levels in Holland (in meters) 1m=3ft. 1m=40 inch
Level Name Height Width Max. Liverpool Min. Age*
B Beginner 1.00 1.10 None 4 year
L Beginner high 1.10 1.20 2.50 4 year
M Medium 1.20 1.30 3.00 5 year
Z / D Advanced 1.30 1.40 4.00 6 year
ZZ / C Advanced 1.35 1.45 4.00 6 year
B Expert 1.40 1.50 4.00 6 year
A Expert 1.50 1.60 4.00 7 year
Top level Expert 1.60 4.00+ 7 year+

Note: Minimum age for every class, not the recommended age.


Show jumping  Show jumping levels in Germany
Class Name Height (m.) Height (ft.) Max. water/ Liverpool (m.) Max. water/ Liverpool (ft.)
E Preliminary Test 0.85 2’9’’ None None
A* Novice Test 0.95 3’1’’ None None
A** Novice Test 1.05 3’5’’ 2.50 8’2’’
L Elementary Test 1.15 3’9’’ 3.00 9’9’’
M* Medium Test 1.25 4’1’’ 3.50 11’5’’
M** Medium Test 1.35 4’5’’ 4.00 13’1’’
S* Advanced Test 1.40 4’7’’ 4.10 13’5’’
S** Advanced Test 1.45 4’9’’ 4.30 14’1’’
S*** Advanced Test 1.50 4’11’’ 4.50 14’8’’
S**** Advanced Test 1.55 5’1’’ 4.50 14’8’’

Note: Deviations in height: +/- 5 cm (2’’), width -10 cm (4’’)/+20 cm (8”). These variations are permitted in Germany. In advanced test is any width permitted.

United States

USEF Jumping levels in feet-inch. U.S.  Show jumping levels in the United States 
Level Height fences Width fences Max. Triple bars Max. Liverpool’s
0 2’6’’/2’9’’ 2’9’’/3’0’’ 3’9’’ 3’9’’
1 2’9’’/3’0’’ 3’0’’/3’6’’ 4’0’’ 4’0’’
2 3’0’’/3’3’’ 3’3’’/3’9’’ 4’3’’ 4’3’’
3 3’3’’/3’6’’ 3’6’’/4’0’’ 4’6’’ 4’6’’
4 3’6’’/3’9’’ 3’9’’/4’3’’ 4’9’’ 8’
5 3’9’’/4’0’’ 4’0’’/4’6’’ 5’ 9’
6 4’0’’/4’3’’ 4’3’’/4’9’’ 5’3’’ 10’
7 4’3’’/4’6’’ 4’6’’/5’0’’ 5’6’’ 12’
8 4’6’’/4’9’’ 4’9’’/5’3’’ 5’9’’ 12’6’’
9 4’9’’/5’0’’ 5’0’’/5’6’’ 6’0’’ 13’


For the people that want to know, I made also a list in meters: United States jumping levels in meters.

USEF Jumping levels in meters U.S.   Show jumping levels in the US
Level Height fences Width fences Max. Triple bars width Max. Liverpool’s
0 0.76/0.84 0.84/0.91 1.14 1.14
1 0.84/0.91 0.91/1.07 1.22 1.22
2 0.91/0.99 0.99/1.14 1.30 1.30
3 0.99/1.07 1.07/1.22 1.37 1.37
4 1.07/1.14 1.14/1.30 1.45 2.44
5 1.14/1.22 1.22/1.37 1.52 2.74
6 1.22/1.30 1.30/1.45 1.60 3.05
7 1.30/1.37 1.37/1.52 1.68 3.66
8 1.37/1.45 1.45/1.60 1.75 3.81
9 1.45/1.52 1.52/1.68 1.83 3.96

United Kingdom

British Show jumping Jumping levels in England 
Class Height (in meters)
British Novice Championship 0.90
Discovery Competition 1.00
Members cup 1.10
Members cup 1.20
Newcomers 1.10
Foxhunter 1.20
  • + 10 cm in the jump off
  • If you get 4 double clears in a certain period you qualify for the regional second round. There is the first course most of the time 10 cm bigger.